Gilmanton & Gilmanton Iron Works, NH

Images from around

After the Sunset

The intent was to capture a nice, colorful sunset from the Crystal Lake headwater by Nat’s Bridge. The color never materialized but I still managed to come away with some color in the trees.

Morning Light on Rollin’s Pond

During my 30+ years of working in Concord, NH, I have passed this
pond more times than I can count. Rollin’s Pond, on Rt 129,
is a small pond with a lot of beauty.

Across the Pond

This is Rollin’s Pond again, this time from a different angle. Every afternoon, coming back from my office in Concord, I would look forward to seeing this pond and, in the autumn, pray for smooth water and great light. On this afternoon, it all came together.
I recently returned to attempt an improved angle only to find the property is now posted.


Valley Fog

Another of my (and several others) “go to” spots in Gilmanton. The view from the top of Rt 107 changes with the season and by the day. This October image had the valley packed with fog as the sun popped over the horizon.

After the Storm

An early morning storm passed through the area before dawn. While I was pouring my coffee I noticed what appeared to be fog in the back yard but it was moving like a cloud. I ran up the hill to capture this image of the fog rising out of the forest.

Autumn Morning Fog

Let me start by stating, due to FAA Regulations, I am unable to sell this image at this time. Once I complete my pilot training and pass the examine I will be able to see this image, but for right now, just enjoy the view.

This was taken from my Mavic II drone looking northwest from Stone Road. The image is quite large and therefore presented here as a “TripTyk” - three separate images.

Morning Smoke

Please forgive me for all the Rollin’s Pond images. In my defense, in my 30 years of working from an office in Concord, I literally drove by this pond 15,600 times (twice a day for 30 years).

This autumn image captures condensation rising into the cold are from the warmer waters as the sun came over the horizon.

Supermoon over Rollin’s Pond

This is a long exposure shot to smooth out the water and capture the light streaks of the cars on Rt 129. My youngest son will remind me to this day that he was in the truck, holding a hot pizza on his lap, waiting for his dad to finish taking this shot so we could get home and eat.

Clouds over Rollin’s Pond

September can bring some great clouds to New England. Add to that a still pond, a few wild flowers and you’ve got yourself a picture

Autumn Rock

The colors of fall overwhelm this rock in a local pond

October Sunrise

Some morning I just needed a change during my years of commuting to and from Concord.  On this particular morning I changed up my normal route to the office and drove across
Rt 107, just for something different.  The cloud cover
was dense so I was not expecting much of a sunrise. 
Occasionally it is good to be wrong..

Sunrise Glow

A late September sunrise just before the clouds parted.

Autumn Russet

Muted fall colors reflect in Crystal Lake’s northern shore.

Smith Meetinghouse #1

Mid-afternoon sun sets the maple trees aglow at Smith Meeting House.

Morning Fog

One of the many habits I have formed since working from my home office was pouring a morning coffee, starting the wood stove when weather conditions required it and then stepping outside to sample the morning air. On this mid-November morning we had a light fog permeating the forest. I happened outside just as the sun broke free of the surrounding mountains and set the woodland aglow.