Sunrise on Scarborough Marsh

Scarborough, Maine

Spring was in full bloom, as was the spring winds when I took the images that have made up this composition.  With sunrise at 5:35AM, I arrived at the site and was set up forty minutes early.  The wind was blowing cold at what I estimate must have been a good 35-40 miles per hour, strong enough to slam the door of my F250 closed while I was setting up.  I was extremely thankful to find some light weight gloves in my down jacket and glad I had taken the time to pour a tall cup of hot coffee in my thermal travel mug before leaving the RV.

This is a series of thirteen shots, 5 bracketed each +/- 1 stop and merged in Adobe Lightroom.  I shot from left to right across the scene and then right to left for a second set and merged them all into one image - something I had never done before but I kind of like how it turned out.


Camera Talk:
Camera:  Nikon D820
Lens: 24-70mm f//2.8
Focal Length: 52mm
Exposure: 1/400, f/10, ISO 100, Manual
Image Size: 9717 x 6478