Storm Clouds Over America’s Farms

Where would we be without our farms and the hard-working families that run them?

This was taken about a month ago as I was traveling to the store. My path lead me down the edge of a storm system that was dropping some badly needed rain. This white, low-level cloud against the dark sky yelled out for me to stop and photograph it.

So many family farms are disappearing in America. Corporations seem to be buying them up at an alarming rate. I am lucky to live in an area surrounded by family farms that seem to be making a go of it. Support your local farms and roadside stands. You can’t get much fresher fruits and veggies than the roadside/farm stands. Just a couple weeks ago, we stopped by a roadside stand that operated on the honor system. That night we had some of the best corn on the cob and peaches we have ever had.