December Morning


This is a location I drove by every weekday for nearly thirty years.  I had stopped by occasionally on my way home from the office to capture images of the late day sun on water lilies and/or foliage.  Never had I stopped for a photograph in the morning until this mid-December day in 2018.  The sky was on fire and the glow reflected in the frosty ice surface of the pond.  The key to this image is the frozen water with no snow to diffuse the reflection.  People rushing by that morning all slowed down to take in natures show.  One car actually stopped in the middle of the road, held up a few others as she ran out with her phone to take her own picture. 

Framed Print Options

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Image # 0179582

Black Box Wood Frame

1:1 Square Crop - Off White Mat


Acrylic Print with shadow mount

1:1 Square Crop - No Mat