Art Reproduction Services
PhotoPiks Art Reproduction service is a convenient way to get your original artwork in digital format. Your art is carefully photographed in a controlled lighting environment calibrated to the camera sensor. Each image is photographed at three exposures and merged in post-processing to capture the entire dynamic range of your art in a RAW file format.
Once photographed, the captured images are brought back to my studio for processing on a graphics computer. The final images are then transferred back to the artist via FTP transfer. Don't let this term scare you. Once the file is on the FTP site, you will receive an email with a link that will bring you directly to the file. Once you click on the "download" button, the file will be downloaded to your computer.
What you get:
Unless otherwise requested, your download will consist of the following:
* A High-Resolution TIFF file you can use for print sales. Original art less than 27" in its longest dimension will receive a 300dpi file equal to the size of your art. Files larger than 27" can, fee an additional fee, be reproduced in their original size using artificial intelligence software or with multiple photographs stitched together.
* A Low-Resolution 72dpi JPG file suitable for use on websites and social media.
Your files will be stored on our server for 90 days unless otherwise requested. After 90 days the files will be removed.
Currently, all art reproduction sessions are held at the Lakes Region Art Gallery in Tilton, NH. Due to the logistics requirement and setup time, this is normally done only when multiple parties have requested the service. Use the "Contact Me" button if you are interested in this service.
$25.00 for the first art piece/artist
$10.00 for each additional art piece/artist
Payments can be made by check, cash, PayPal or Venmo.
Color accuracy is only guaranteed on the original art. If reproducing framed art there may be some color sacrifice in favor of accurate art reproduction. Frames frequently have a different reflectance value than the art which is why frame color accuracy is occasionally sacrificed.
Art is best reproduced before placing under glass and/or in frames. For pieces that are framed or under glass, I use polarized light to minimize reflections.